Lead Yourself and Others
in a
The principles and practical frameworks that you need to know NOW to lead yourself and others through 
crisis and opportunity

Concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on work, business or family? This webinar is for you!

Available to all

We will not limit your access

Matt Kesby

Head of Simplification at

Invite Family & Friends

Now is the time to suit up with this
key information to prepare 
you for your future
What You Will Learn On This Free Webinar:
1. Why People respond with fear and how to switch it to calmness and caring with a simple technique
Obtain a Deep Understanding of WHY people respond with FEAR and how you can help them calmly shift to confidence in a simple process.

Once you understand the physiology, you will possess a super-power most will never gain access to in their lifetime.
How the brain works Fear
2. The Simple Hack to take you from "Oh Crap!" in a time of Crisis to
"OK, Let's do this!"
Reprogram HOW to read yourself in a time of crisis and move from “Oh OK” to become that confident leader people turn to.

Rapidly move from being freaked out, worried or concerned to being calm and in control, no matter what the situation, and benefit all those around you.

How to control your physiology
3. The Trust Building "Judo Like Moves" that will bring confidence in crisis and opportunity
Fasttrack with the specific actionable words, patterns and sentences to say that build trust and confidence in any crisis or opportunity.

Become a Judo Master of communicating in ways that build trust, rapport and confidence.

Never leave an important word unsaid.This you need now more than ever before in your life. Your family, friends and colleagues will turn to you for guidance and your confidence increase communicating in any situation
Crisis Communication Frameworks

Now is the time to sharpen the saw and execute! You have the opportunity to focus and rapidly obtain the communication skills you need to execute your way out of any crisis.Don’t just survive, now is your time to thrive during and beyond the COVID-19 Crisis

Don’t let a crisis go to waste!

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